Insights that will change you and your family. Therapy to heal, rediscover yourself, and foster healthy relationships.

insightful therapy



Parents often feel like they are the glue holding the family together–which is overwhelming, to say the least! When parents get support, the entire family benefits and the glue becomes stronger. Parenting can be confusing, exhausting, and isolating. It can be difficult to know to respond to certain behaviors or emotional struggles your child has. All parents will face challenges, and you don’t have to do it alone.

When your child is in play therapy, parent sessions are held privately without your child present. At the beginning of treatment, the intake session is all about understanding you and your child’s reason for treatment, getting to know your family’s history, and developing a treatment plan—together. Parent sessions are held every 3-4 weeks concurrently with your child play sessions. Parent sessions help with understanding your child’s world, struggles, and progress. Parent sessions and Parent Support also focus on helping with parent skills, communication and conflict strategies to utilize at home. These sessions also provide an opportunity for you to voice your concerns, to check-in on progress, and so forth.

I also help parents who do not have their child in therapy to discuss concerns, provide suggestions, support you with your child, strengthen the child-parent relationship, and help you regain or increase your joy in parenting.


I assist parents by: 

  • Utilizing evidence-based treatment and child-parent relationship therapy and collaborating with you on an individualized  treatment plan 

  • Assessing for biological and developmental roots for areas of struggle such as sensory processing issues and temperament mismatches 

  • Aiding in feeling self-empowerment as a parent

  • Gaining insights into your child’s world and uncovering ways to strengthen your relationship at home

  • Skills training and support

  • Collaborating and providing you with the knowledge to empower you with an understanding of how the trauma, family changes, and difficulties manifest in the behaviors/emotions your child engages in and expresses.

  • Reconnecting with your inner child and self to help you connect with your child

  • Healing and grieving the expectations vs. reality of parenthood

  • Explore your emotional experiences and expression with you and your child/family

  • Feel more confident in your role as a parent

  • Helping you find more ways to communicate and have less yelling and more laughter

  • Strategies to release you and your child from power struggles

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Parent Support: What is Child-Parent Relationship Therapy?
