COVID-19 Support & Resources


It is a very NOT normal time. COVID-19 has created a lot of change in a short amount of time, and for many—if not all—it has resulted in a survival response, because that is what occurs when we are faced with a major stressful experience and prolonged sense of unknown and scarcity; also known as a trauma. The uncertainty and unknown creates a real sense of fear and lack of safety, which is normal in the face of a trauma experience. In the midst of uncertainty it is helpful to foster some sense of stability and concreteness for yourself, your child, and those you are going to be with through this time. An important part of the process is to recognize that it is OKAY to:

  • Not have it all figured out

  • Experience all kinds of feelings—grief, pain, anxiety, joy, relief, confusion, exhaustion, hope, anger, hurt, dread

  • Not be productive or to be more productive

  • Not be coping as well as you thought you would or to actually be coping alright

  • Give yourself a break

  • Limit your exposure to news and media

  • Miss your routine, family, friends, connection, work

  • Take delight in some of the changes

  • Distract and watch Netflix

  • Connect more & in different ways

  • Be playful

  • Take care of your mental health

  • Move your body

  • Want more hugs and cuddles

  • Be more tired and protect your sleep

  • Release with laughter, tears, movement

  • be exactly where your at

ALL of the feelings, reactions, thoughts, and actions are all OKAY! Being honest with yourself and naming it is important for your body and brain —it allows you to gain a sense of safety and connection with your self.

Other elements that help are practicing regulation, creating a routine, being kind to yourself, noticing and attending to your needs (mental, emotional, physical), and staying connected.

Below are links to wonderful credible (free) resources and ideas that can help in finding stability and concreteness during this time:

  1. News/information:

    -CDC: Has a lot of helpful information about coping with stress, proper ways to clean, facts about COVID-19, and much more.

    -WA State dedicated website for COVID-19: Information, tips, and support options

    -World Health Organization

  2. Meditation & Music

    -Apps for meditation, bedtime stories, calming music, & movement: Insight Timer, Headspace, Calm, Breathe

    -Calming Playlist

  3. Stay Connected:

    -Message your friends, family, coworkers

    -Get into a routine of video calling for lunches, happy hour, dates, weekend brunch, play dates, Netflix nights

    -Write a letter

    -Adopt a grandparent

  4. Movement:

    -Regulation activities: For all ages

    -Gentle Yoga

    -CosmicKids yoga

    -Go for a nature walk, run, or have a dance party

    -Virtual YMCA classes

  5. Mental Health:

    -Continue therapy using Telehealth

    -ADHD Parent Support Group

    -Talkspace or BetterHelp

    -Virtual therapy for healthcare workers

    -Watch comedies, cute videos of animals, and those that bring on the joy juice

    -Be honest with yourself about what you need and are feeling

  6. Parenting:

    -Child Mind Institute: Parent support, Facebook Live Q&A, & how to help your child

    -Playful Wisdom Blog: Quick reads about how to help children cope, how to talk with kids about COVID-19, fostering resilience, & much more.

    -Video of Play Therapist & parent talking with daughter about COVID-19.

    -Setup a routine, with wake-up, lunch, dinner, and bedtimes being the same Monday-Friday. Reflect on what would be a fit for the family, more strict or more flexible routine.

    -Sensory Balanced Routines: helpful for all to have a routine that integrated movement and attunes to the body’s needs

  7. Learn

    -Audible for kids & teens

    -Online Storytelling: A favorite of mine is The Kissing Hand

  8. Helping out:

    -Posting signs or making chalk art thank you signs

    -Adopt a grandparent

    -Create masks to donate & wear

*Resources will be added daily*

Danielle GonzalesComment